This page is meant to maintain transparency for the public with regard to official disciplinary decisions made by the Saskatchewan Association of Optometrists with respect to its members.
Disciplinary Summary – Order of Council November 22, 2021
This page is meant to maintain transparency for the public with regard to official disciplinary decisions made by the Saskatchewan Association of Optometrists with respect to its members.
In the matter of the Optometry Act, 1985, SS 1984-85-86, c O-6.1
and in the matter of a complaint against Dr. Jackie Hagens,
of Kindersley, Saskatchewan, an Optometrist
Following an investigation and hearing the Discipline committee found that Dr. Hagens committed professional misconduct as it pertains to the following two complaints brought forward by the Mediation Committee:
Upon reviewing the report and recommendations of the Discipline Committee and the Joint Submission regarding penalty, the Council agreed to the following penalty: