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0-2 Years old

Infants and toddlers should undergo their first eye examination between the ages of 6 and 9 months

2-5 Years old

Preschool children should undergo at least one eye examination between the ages of 2 and 5 years

6-19 Years old

School children aged 6 to 19 years should undergo an eye examination annually

20-39 Years old

Adults aged 20 to 39 years should undergo an eye examination every 2 to 3 years

40-64 Years old

Adults aged 40 to 64 years should undergo an eye examination every 2 years

65 Years +

Adults aged 65 years or older should undergo an eye examination annually      

Children’s Screen Time

Children’s use of digital media has increased dramatically, and begins earlier in childhood. High screen time use in children is associated with a risk for obesity, poorer school performance, poorer sleep quality, risky behaviours in older children, as well as delays in critical cognition, learning and social skills in younger children.

0-2 Years - Infants & Toddlers

None, with the possible exception of live video-chatting (eg. FaceTime) with parental support, due to its potential for social development

2-5 Years - Preschool Children

No more than an hour per day of age-appropriate, educational and supervised viewing

5-18 Years - School-aged Children

No more than two hours per day of recreational screen time. Individual screen time plans should be based on development and needs.

Encourage outdoor activity over screen time. Increased prevalence or progression of nearsightedness has been linked with children spending fewer hours outdoors.